Lawyers for Central Administrative Tribunal - CAT | Corporate Law Firms for Central Administrative Tribunal - CAT

Central Administrative Tribunal [CAT]: How to find the Best Attorneys?

How to solve Government Service matters in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. Find the Best Lawyers for Central Administrative Tribunal – CAT Issues. Appellate Lawyer Office is one of the Best Law Firms for Central Administrative Tribunal – CAT Matters. Choose the Best Advocate / Attorneys for Legal Consultation to resolve CAT Matters.

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Central Administrative Tribunal & Functions

Article 323-A of the Constitution established the CAT.It resolves disputes and complaints related to recruitment and conditions of public service appointments under government authorities’ control.

There are 17 benches and 21 circuit benches in the Central Administrative Tribunal – CAT across India. In addition to the ministries and Departments of the Central Government, the Government of India has notified about 214 organizations in section 14 (2) of the Administrative Tribunal Act, 1985 to bring it under the jurisdiction of the Central Administrative Tribunal -, from time to time.

The CAT is guided by the principles of natural justice to decide cases and is not bound by the procedure provided for in the Code of Civil Procedure.

The Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT) has the authority to create its own rules and procedures. It can establish practices that govern its functioning and proceedings. The Act’s provision enabled the trouble-free operation of the Central Administrative Court. Both the Central Administrative Court (Procedure) Rules 1987 and the Central Administrative Rules of Court Practice 1993 contributed to this success.

Jurisdiction power of Central Administrative Tribunal – CAT:

Section 17 of the Administrative Tribunal Act grants the Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT) jurisdiction over contempt cases. The Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT) possesses the authority to handle contempt matters. It holds the same jurisdiction in contempt cases as the Supreme Court.

At first, one may challenge the Court’s decision by presenting a special authorization request. This request is made before the Honorable Supreme Court for review. However, after the Supreme Court decision in the case of L. Firstly, The Central Administrative Tribunal is facing a challenge through a Writ Petition filed under Article 226/227. The Supreme Court is currently reviewing the matter, which concerns the territorial jurisdiction of the Tribunal.

Language of CAT

 (1) The language of the Central Administrative Tribunal shall be English: Provided that the parties to a proceeding before the Tribunal may submit documents produced in Hindi if desired: further proviso that

(a) a Bench may, at its discretion, allow the use of Hindi in the procedure; (B) the Bench, hearing the case may, at its discretion direct English translation of requests and documents that have been filed;

(C) The bench may, at its discretion, make final orders, either in Hindi or in English.

Subrule (1) requires an authenticated English translation if the final order is in Hindi. Moreover, The English translation must be prepared and kept in the register alongside the Hindi version.

Procedure for submission of applications.

The applicant or their authorized agent presents Form I to the Court. An attorney authorized by the Registrar can also submit the application. Accordingly, the applicant may send it via certified mail to the bank’s secretary.

The application under sub-rule

(1) will be presented in triplicate in the following two compilations-

(i) No. 1. – application with the contested order, if any;

(Ii) No. 2 – all other documents and annexures referred to in the application as a paper book format.

Submission Requirements for Multiple Respondents in Legal Cases

(2) When there are multiple respondents, the applicant must furnish additional copies of the application. These copies must be in paper-book format and correspond to the number of respondents. Of course, The applicant should include the full address of each respondent on the unused file envelope. Moreover, If the number of respondents exceeds five, the Registrar may permit more copies at notice issuance.

Attaching Voucher to Request Form II for Implementation

(3) The applicant can attach a voucher with Form II for implementation. An official representing the Registrar must sign the receipt acknowledgement.

  • (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-rules (1) to (3) the court may allow more than one person to join and make a single application if satisfied, given the cause and nature of relief he prayed that have a common interest in the subject.
  • (B) An association representing people may receive authorization to join in a single application. However, the application must disclose the class/degree/categories of the affected persons.

Presentation and examination of applications

The Registrar or the authorized officer approves each request upon presentation or deemed filing. They must sign the endorsement. If the application passes examination, we will register and assign a serial number. The registration and serial number assignment are part of the process. If the application, is found to be defective and the observed defect is formal, the Registrar may allow the party to meet it in his presence, and if the defect is not formal, the Registrar may allow the applicant such time to rectify the defect as it deems fit [where a request is received by registered mail, the applicant will be informed of the defects, if any, and will need to rectify it within the term as may be stipulated by the Registrar provided that the time allowed by the Registrar to rectify the errors will not exceed thirty days.

Consequences of Failing to Remedy Application Defects

(4) (a) If the applicant fails to remedy the defect within the time allowed by the sub (3) rule, the Secretary may, by order and for reasons to be recorded in writing, refuse to register the application and place the question before the appropriate bank for orders.

Best Law Firm for Central Administrative Tribunal - Advocate for CAT Matters

 Place of filing

(1) An application ordinarily can be presented by the applicant in the Registry Bench within whose jurisdiction.

  • the applicant is made to wait for the moment, or
  • cause of action, in whole or in part, has emerged: Provided that the authorization of the President of the application may be filed in the Registry Principal and subject to orders under section 25 bench, the application shall be heard and disposed of by the bank that has jurisdiction over the matter.

(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-rule (1) Persons who have ceased to be in service for retirement, dismissal or termination of the service may, at their options file an application at the Registrar of the Bench which depends on the person is normally it is residing at the time of submission of the application.

Content of the application

(1) Every application filed under Rule 4 will be set forth concisely under different heads the reasons for that application. All applications, including any application of various, will be typed double-spaced on one side on thick paper of good quality.

(2) It is not necessary to submit a separate application to seek an interim order or direction if the original application thereof is prayed.

(3) The applicant, after the submission of an application in section 19 of the Law, order or request a provisional address. Such an application, to the extent possible, be in form III.

(4) Where the applicant seeks forgiveness delay, you must submit a separate application supported by an affidavit.

 The documents accompanying the application  

  • An application shall be accompanied by the following documents: (i) a true attested copy of the order with which the application was filed. (Ii) copies of the documents cited by the applicant and referred to in the application; (iii) an index of documents.
  • The documents referenced in sub-rule (1) may be accredited by an attorney or by a senior official and each document should be marked in series as Annexures A1, A2, A3, and so on.

(3) When a request is presented by any agent, documents that allow it to act as such an agent are also attached to the request: Provided when a request by a Central Administrative Tribunal Advocate / CAT lawyer, which must be accompanied by a duly executed is presented ` Vakalatnama ‘.

Plural remedies

 The application is based on a single cause of action and may seek one or more reliefs provided they are consistent with each other.

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CAT Attorneys in Chennai
What are the Government service Matters in India?

Government service matters in India indeed include recruitment, promotions, transfers, disciplinary actions, retirement benefits, and other employment-related issues of government employees.

Does a Central Administrative Tribunal – CAT lawyer take the service Matters of pension payments and other benefits cases?

Yes, a CAT lawyer takes service matters of pension payments and other benefits cases.

Will the Central Administrative Tribunal – CAT advocate offer Legal services for all parts of India?

Majority support for the things the service offers services to matters of entire India. Nevertheless, it is good to ask the concerned CAT lawyers

Can Central Administrative Tribunal – CAT help in the search for Bail or other legal remedies?

No, CAT does not have the jurisdiction to provide bail or other legal remedies. In fact, It primarily deals with service matters related to the employees of the central government.

Central Administrative Tribunal – CAT Attorneys will offer legal advice on matters of service.

Yes, many CAT lawyers offer legal advice on most Govt Service matters.