Top corporate lawyer firms in Chennai
Top corporate lawyer firms in Chennai

Corporate lawyer

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Every organization requires a corporate lawyer to conduct business actions. Of course, it must be in a guideline of the Indian legal system.

Find the best corporate lawyers office in Chennai

As long as businesses exist there will be demand for corporate lawyers. A corporate lawyer is required from the day of the inception of a company to the last day until the winding-up of the company. A country like India which attracts FDI stands 3rd in the world because of its expanding economy; As a matter of fact, corporate lawyers are in high demand. By all means, Their demand will be more with the increasing regulatory requirements.

Find the best corporate lawyers office in Chennai

Corporate law deals with the problems or issues

Corporate law includes the interactions between directors, shareholders, creditors, employees, consumers, the environment, and the community with one another. In fact, Corporate law deals with the problems or issues faced by Corporate and commercial enterprises in the corporate sector.

Corporate law compliances

Corporate law deals with various aspects such as company incorporation, administration, and management of companies, joint ventures, the establishment of the company by a foreign entity, corporate finance, mergers and acquisitions, amalgamations, corporate structuring, and various other compliances.

Roles & Responsibilities of Corporate Lawyer:–

Before we go ahead, let’s first understand what are the roles and responsibilities of a corporate lawyer in a company?

  • A Corporate lawyer handles business decisions in a legal way.
  • A Corporate lawyer ensures the company doesn’t violate any law and progresses within legal limits.
  • A corporate lawyer also handles legal charges pertaining to the business activities of the company.
  • A Corporate lawyer helps with tax issues, employee relations, employee contracts, and employment laws of the business.

When to hire a corporate attorney

Entrepreneurs are sometimes reluctant to hire attorneys. They dislike lawyers, cringe at their cost, and dread that lawyers will overcomplicate and get in the way with the growth of their business.

Corporate Lawyer Work

Although not a definitive list, you need a lawyer to:

  • Acquire or sell your business.
  • File tax returns, licenses, and reports.
  • Oversee corporate structuring or restructuring.
  • Handle franchise and distributorship issues.
  • Manage pending or potential litigation.
  • Obtain public or private financing.
  • Negotiate business and employment contracts.
  • Draft non-compete clauses.
  • Acquire patents and Trademarks.
  • Draft internal business policies and procedures.
  • Prepare basic documents such as minutes of formal meetings, articles of incorporation, and bylaws.

Where to find a Corporate Lawyer in Chennai ?. 

In many cases, Entrepreneurs do not have a clue where to look out a search for the right corporate lawyer. At this point, A good starting point would be through word-of-mouth. In any case, Inquire with relatives, friends, and business associates to recommend an attorney.

Corporate Lawyers in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Other sources comprise of:

  • Referrals from the chamber of commerce or professional organization. Meanwhile, You may even get a reduced group rate through such referrals.
  • Get in touch with your local or state bar association.
  • Look at prepaid legal service plans offering unlimited telephone
  • Enquire with any lawyer or paralegal acquaintances for your special needs
Retaining a Corporate Lawyer

Corporate Lawyer is the biggest asset to your business. Retaining a lawyer for your business is important. You need to consider law firm location, fee structure, and competence before hiring one.

If you hire a large law firm, you can avail of experienced top legal talent with ample resources. But it is costly. A long-term relationship with your corporate lawyer leads to reduced legal costs over time, as the lawyer does not waste time acquiring your background information before every legal task.

Just like conducting any other business transaction do the following:
  • Obtain bids for legal services inclusive of overhead costs.
  • Before hiring one, interview two or three lawyers and assess your comfort level and compatibility with the lawyer
  • Discuss availability and communication during an emergency
  • Write down your impressions. Write down the strength and weaknesses of your legal position. Discuss fee structure and billing practices.
  • Discuss your objectives and expectations and don’t withhold relevantly
Keep in mind, any lawyer is obliged to:
  • Be loyal. He should not represent a client whose interest conflicts with yours.
  • Protect all legal rights to which you are entitled
  • Present you with options and their consequences and offer recommendations concerning legal issues.
  • Follow your lawful directions.
 Following are 11 questions you should ask prospective Corporate lawyers:
  1. Have you ever served anyone in my industry?
  2. What is your policy of returning clients’ phone calls?
  3. Will other lawyers also deal with my case? If yes, Who and Why?
  4. What is your law specialization and time spent on the area?
  5. How long have you been in law practice?
  6. What is your law school education?
  7. Do you handle cases of individuals or businesses?
  8. How will I be apprised about my case or lawsuit?
  9. Do you charge a retainer? How much?
  10. Let me know your fee structure?
  11. Will there be any fee hike during my representation?

Top Corporate Lawyer firms in Chennai

Corporate Lawyers of the Best Law Firms in India

A mutually beneficial long-term partnership with a legal adviser can be a great asset to businesses. Moreover, It makes the whole area of corporate law far less daunting to entrepreneurs. Saravvanan law associates is one of the Top corporate lawyer firms in India to provide corporate legal services.