Copyright law protects original works of authorship. It gives the creator of a work exclusive rights to use, distribute, and profit from that work. The law recognizes a wide range of creative works as potentially eligible for copyright protection. This includes literary works, musical compositions, photographs, films, software, and other forms of artistic expression.
After work is the creation and fixation in a tangible form, such as a manuscript, recording, or digital file, it automatically gets copyright law protection. This means that the creator of the work has the exclusive right to Original works of authorship. The Rights are to reproduce, distribute, display, and perform the work. They can create derivative works based on it.
Rights of the creator of Original works of authorship and the ability to control
These rights give the creator of a work the ability to control. They can decide how the work is used and to profit from its use. For example, a musician who creates a song can control how it is distributed and performed. They can get profit from sales of recordings, concerts, and merchandise based on the song.
Copyright law also provides for limitations on these exclusive rights for Original works of authorship. They are the doctrine of fair use, which allows for limited use of copyrighted works for purposes. These are such as criticism, commentary, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research.
Other Legal Info
- How To Defend Against Copyright Infringement In India?
- Intellectual Property and their duties: The Best Reliable IP Lawyers
- Infringement claims: How to find the Best Legal process?
- Intellectual property rights: How to protect the Intellect creations?
Rights to balance the interests of creators and users of creative works
In summary, copyright law protects original works of authorship. They provide creators and owners exclusive rights to use and profit from those works. It also provides for limitations on those rights to balance the interests of creators and users of creative works.